Guest training at Ironhouse in Trollhättan

This thursday me and Andreas went to Trollhättan for some filmin with Gymgrossisten. We decided to train arms at Ironhouse before the filming. I loved the gym, real hardcore with great machines. Make sure to visit if you ever are in Trollhättan. For swedes: Watch vlog from the day and our training!


poko ironhouse physique triceps iron house biceps iron house gymmost muscular poko arnold

antephysique pokophysique

front pose at ironhouse with arnold

side chest pose pontus koskelainen

andreas persson pose

After our arm session we went to gymgrossisten’s warehouse for some filming. I beleive the final video will be up on Gymgrossisten’s Facebook page within a few days :). As soon as it is up I will post some behind the scenes footage for you! 😀 We got a lot of it. Stay tuned!

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