Chest day and protein fluff evening meal

2015-12-11. Training: Chest n’ Abs

Morning weight: 80.1 kg
Kcal: 2700


I started with some quite heavy dumbbell presses and machine presses. I felt some aching in the left delt so I went over to flyes instead. Superseting with some lighter presses. Finished it all off with some abs. Ab crunches in machine, crunches on ab bench, and another ab contractir machine. See todays vlog below for some clips from the session.

Pre Workout: 1 pill Muscletech fat burner, 13g Animal Aminos, 5g Star Nutrition Kre-Alkalyn, 2g l-carnitine.

Post workout:
1: 15g BCAA Hardcore Chained Nutrition
2: 25g Biotech Whey Isolate
3: 18g Biotech Whey Isolate, 100g Oats

As my last meal Saga got an idea to whip the egg white before adding in the casein powder. This will make you feel a lot fuller afterwards (great during cut).

So first whip the egg whites til it’s quite firm. Then take a bowl with casein powder and water (I add cinnamon also <3). Lastly add the blended casein into the egg whites. Done!

chest flyes

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