Leg day and cheat day :D

2015-12-12. Training: Legs + Rear delts and calves

Morning weight: 80.2 kg
Kcal: A lottle

For my second shorter training session I had to walk to and from the gym. About 25 min walk one way. Well needed cardio for me.

Pre Workout: 10g Dominate (Star Nutrition), 13g Animal Juiced Aminos, 5g Star Nutrition Kre-Alkalyn, 2g l-carnitine.

Post workout:
1: 15g BCAA Hardcore Chained Nutrition
2: 25g Biotech Whey Isolate
3: 18g Biotech Whey Isolate, 50g ricecakes, 50g Oats

So after my second session when Saga went from her work she called me to say she had ordered two pizzas. Usually I have problem eating a whole pizza on my own but today there was no problem at all! Ops..


Star Nutrition Towel poko lat spread gymgrossisten star nutrition towel leg day star nutrition träningshandduk side hams poko side calf poko


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